Monday, September 21, 2009


  1. Plane ticket for 71 days-Check
  2. Large and complex backpack -Check
  3. Shoes that can withstand a 60 mile hike in Peru -Check
  4. Break-in new shoes (a.k.a. stepping in animal feces) -Check
  5. Underwear advertising "17 countries, 2 months, two pairs of underwear" -Check
  6. Wool socks that make us look like Swedish tourists -Check
  7. 3 vaccinations numbing our arms for two days -Check
  8. Book all our mini-trips- Check
  9. Insure all our limbs and luggage -Check
  10. Sell all of our stuff in Wilmington- Check
  11. Throw a sweet going away bash- Check
  12. Cut off useless hair- Check!