Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Day 18: Cusco, Peru

The 15 hour bus ride was a bit grueling. Thank goodness we had motion sickness pills which knocked me out and I didn´t feel sick as the bus rocked back and forth around the mountains. The distance from Nazca to Cusco isn´t that far, but the bus had to go really slow on the mountain roads. Needless to say we were really excited when we got off the bus.

The altitude hit us more than we thought it would (little sleep didn´t help.) The air is so thin, we would walk up some stairs and be out of breath. To get to our hostel we had to hike up about 20 stairs, and with our packs on it felt like a million. As soon as we got to our cozy beds we took a nap and a much needed shower. Later in the afternoon we explored the town a bit and found a bite to eat. The town is really awesome; a tasteful combination of old Incan and newer Colonial architecture. However I had the spins at lunch from the altitude, so I held on to the table until I felt better, haha. The good thing is I think we are adjusting and should hopefully feel 100% by the time our trek starts.

Andeas mountains:1
Allison and Dana:0

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